At the end of winning a rat race, we are still a rat.

October 13, 2005

meditative silence...

a dog tied to a leash appears silent.but it an enforcement. the restlessness within is evident.
Compare this with the potential energy of a river flowing from about 25 feet depth....or more...silent....full.....the strength is evident, no shallowness there..
meditative silences are similar....fountainheads of great creative flows..
reminds me of a story where a king invites his favourite bell maker to create a unique masterpiece.The bell maker asks for 6 months time.The king is surprised.The bell maker explains to him that the first 5 months are for the silence to arrive within. 15 days of the 6th month are for selecting the right tree stump for teh bell....and in the balance 15 days , the bell just happens..flows out....
Nothing can create like the deep recesses of that river in full and majestic flow...nothing shallow about it.....

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