At the end of winning a rat race, we are still a rat.

March 05, 2008

Relationships - great healing tools

I recently saw a video of Wayne Dyer where he describes the lack of success in his life until 1970. While he was not able to breakthrough that situation, a seemingly unconnected situation worked wonders in his life.

His father had deserted him and his mother even as he was born and Dyer had never met him. But he carried within him a great hatred for this man he had never met. Someone or something prompted him ( if I am not mistaken, it was the great Indian mystic, Nisargadatta Maharaj, either directly or indirectly) to reconnect to his father later in life as he was encountering his failures.. He could only visit his grave.

He went through a mental exercise of forgiving and accepting his father.

And in his own words, the release of that hatred within wrought about miraculous changes to his life.Success in all areas , be it in career, wealth creation, relationships etc became a way of life with him.

I have heard or seen numerous such experiences in the various processes conducted by the Oneness University.

Recently, a renowned corporate trainer regained her hearing ( she has a hearing loss from as long as remembers) after healing the relationship with her mother. She had developed a hatred for her mom as she was sent off to stay with her uncle early in childhood to handle the situation of a large family. In a spiritually induced process, she could actually experience the hurt of her mother and her own helplessness which created the aforesaid situation.

Sri Bhagavan, the founder of the Oneness University says that financial crises are often linked to relationship with one's father while blocks and obstacles in all areas of our lives, be it career, relationships, health or any other are related to relationship with one's mom.It does not matter who is right or who is wrong, but a total acceptance and a healing of stresses works wonders in alleviating situations.

A process to enable this is the actual worship of one's parents through a pada pooja ( worship at their feet) for atleast 15 minutes everyday either physically or through a visualization exercise. Like I mentioned earlier, we may have differences, adhere to different concepts in our lives, but we need to remember that it is humans and not concepts which should relate to each other.

Relationships are not mind exercises, they are not bound by concepts. They are affairs of the heart.

Try it out, it costs nothing.

The other aspect is that all our relationships are mirror images of our equations with our parents. The platforms and modes of expression maybe different, but the fundamental patterns are the same.

Parents are our gateways to the universe in more ways than one.Cherish them.

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