At the end of winning a rat race, we are still a rat.

March 09, 2008

examination blues...

It is that time of the year when children and their parents are stressed beyond recognition, tackling examinations.
A few tips to face those situations better :
The very word exam or test brings with it automated associations of stress by the intrinsic nature of it's expression.We associate our entire life with our successes in these snapshots of our performance indices.Nothing can be farther from the truth.Some of the most brilliant minds in the world have been poor or mediocre performers in their statutory examinations; Einstein and Edison immediately come to mind.The academic system, an organized convenience has acquired monstrous hues as a burdensome exercise today.Just changing our perceptions on it can work wonders.Anything that is thrust down or forced upon the other is immediately repelled.The attitude towards academic exercises and exams is the key to our performance.And parents and teachers have a great role to play in making it fun, exciting and games-like, rather than war-like ,sombre and intimidating.
Peak performance is achieved not by quantity rather by quality of effort.Sitting in front of a book all day in no way ensures a better performance.It brings in a dullness and a lethargy which actually diminishes performance.Optimal exercise (kapalbhati is a great exercise to clear mental sluggishness and bring in dynamism) and nutritious food is very important during those preparation days.Time spent in exercise or walks/jogs needs to be looked on as an investment in our performance output rather than as a waste of time.Similarly, care should be taken to avoid tamasik(pungent, very spicy, bitter etc) food as it dulls our mind. Drinking 20 glasses of water is advised for efficient toxic clearances.
Success is more impacted by the state of the person, rather than merely the acquired skills or knowledge. To be in a joyous frame of mind, to pay attention to our overall wellness , to value in gratitude all the things and people ( including computers, books, writers, teachers, publishers, pens, pencils, erasers etc) can go a long way towards achieving success.
Grace energizes and propels our intents and efforts. We should have a clear vision of what we choose to achieve or what we want in our lives, we should put in optimal effort towards it. Integrity in these aspects throw open energies of Grace from the Universe for us.Worshipping one's parents goes a long way towards facilitating an abundance of grace in one's life.One should spend atleast 15 minutes everyday in this exercise.I have seen it works wonders in performance parameters.
Wishes and Blessing for our peers when expressed from deep within us returns to us manifold.Today's world lays a lot of stress on the competitive spirit.Try this contra approach.Each blessing or good wish you send out would come back to you in accordance with the principles of the universe.
Finally, education is a privilege, an opportunity few children and youth , especially in our nation enjoy. Cherish the blessing and spread the light joyously.
-inspirations from Sri Bhagavan

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