At the end of winning a rat race, we are still a rat.

June 19, 2008

what's love got to do with it?

The recent murder of a media executive in Mumbai revolving around an aspiring actress and her boyfriend has drawn tremendous media attention with people pontificating with their own perceptions on it.
Come to think of it, it could be the story of any 3 average , intelligent , ambitious people of the world, each consumed by their need for power, thrills, success and so on.It has nothing to do with love...
When a need consumes the mind, the mind is capable of anything.Fear, anger, possessiveness and so on control and overpower our lives day in and day out.It is rarely morality factors which keep us in check; it is rather the fear of social ostracization.
The average human life is a careful maintenance of these balances.
Each of us , when consumed by our needs is a potential source of danger to the world.When the unconscious controls us, we are capable of anything. As unhappy people , we are only capable of spreading unhappiness.
Awareness is the key, to be able to see ourselves just as the people we are, and not mask ourselves into the people we would like to be.When we wear our masks, after sometime, we fool ourselves into believing that we are the people we would like ourselves to be.
And the burden of our masks become unbearable after sometime and we collapse....
We mask the addressal of our needs as LOVE for our spouses, parents, children etc. If we are able to see it for what it is and our manipulative lifestyles using people unabashedly to achieve our objectives and accept ourselves for what we are, life would be a different ball-game.
Integrity is the key to a good life...a life of awareness , imo , is the highest morality...
Love and joy , emerging as a state of our being is the natural outcome of a life led in a dynamic awareness....

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