At the end of winning a rat race, we are still a rat.

May 08, 2008


Question : Osho,how to sacrifice the ego?


It is impossible.The ego cannot be sacrificed because the ego exists not. The ego is just all idea: it has no substance in it. it is not something - it is just pure nothing. You give it reality by believing in it. You can withdraw belief and the reality disappears, evaporates.

The ego is a kind of absence. Because you don't know yourself, hence the ego. The moment you know yourself, no ego is found. The ego is like darkness; darkness has no positive existence of its own; it is simply the absence of light. You cannot do anything with darkness directly. If you want to do anything with darkness, you will have to do something with light. If you put the light on, there is no darkness; if you put the light off there is no darkness.

Darkness is only the absence of light, so is ego: absence of self knowledge. You cannot sacrifice it.

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