At the end of winning a rat race, we are still a rat.

May 15, 2008


A consumed mind can go to any extent to use people or events to it's advantage.It can resort to deceit, back-stabbing, manipulation and any other to achieve its ends.That is the power of consumption. A person under the influence of fear can go to any lengths to supposedly stave off objects of fear. Instead of focusing on apparent causes and running away from it , if he were to just look at the fear, life would become a different ball game.
Similarly with lust. People use so many alibis, so many excuses under the control of lust, it is unbelievable. Seemingly ordinary people resort to lies, deceit and manipulation to accommodate the pull of their lust.They can appear very calm and composed on the surface, but within they are simmering, always disturbed and in misery. The fear of being exposed additionally drives them to do crazy and weird things. Often they use people ruthlessly as they go berserk under the dual influence of fear and lust. Guilt also comes into the picture adding to the general dilemna. Can they really achieve anything or be happy under such a situation.We struggle to run away from inhibiting situations , taking great efforts. By moving away from a situation , we do not change anything for ourselves.The basic situation follows us, manifesting itself through a host of people and situations.
The question we have to ask ourselves is , do we want to lead such controlled lives which navigate us towards misery compulsively or if we do not , what is the alternative? Is running away or changing situations the answer? It cannot be for situations are created by our inner states and deepest needs.It will keep following us. We may feel we are managing other people or events, but are fooling ourselves.Our basic situations NEVER change until our learning is complete.
Awareness is the key. We do not have to handle or control fear or lust or guilt or any other. We cannot. We just have to see. When we see, they remain as they are but they lose their control over us.This process is called de-clutching. Bhagavan's teachings are very different here. while all our effort is normally directed at managing or trying to change or elaborately mask the content of the mind, He illumines us on the futility of the process.
He extols us to focus on the fact that we are "controlled".
Seeing a problem as it is frees us from the control it exerts on us.We do not have to anything about the problem per se. We have to concentrate on it's linkage with us.
And when that snaps, we are freed.
Then we become really self-determining. We stop leading controlled lives. We start living aware lives, which leads to greater fulfilment, joy , success and love in every aspect.

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