At the end of winning a rat race, we are still a rat.

May 20, 2008

absence of noise....

Contrary to popular belief, absence of noise externally is not silence.Silence is the deep anchoring in the core within which moves us away from a reactive state of being to a responsive state.
A pebble falling into a deep ocean merely causes a ripple before it disappears.On the other hand, a pebble thrown into a shallow bucket of water creates such a racket.A dog tied on to a leash appears silent only to deceive. Deep down , he is restless, simmering.
Similarly with man; much of his silence is merely an external prop, the mind is busy within - scheming, planning etc. Consequently, expression is stifled, suffocated.Contrast this with a river in flow. Deep silence reigns here when the river emerges in depth and the fullness of flow is majestic.
Creative intelligence flows in that deep abiding stillness.It is non-reactive. However, it is pro-active and responsive.It is not a shallow reaction to life's ripples. It is rather a stable and poised response emerging in life's centeredness and connectedness to all that is around.
A fountainhead emerging from the deepest recesses of our being and flowing out in a joyous expression of life forces.
And in that depth of feeling , we live; do not merely exist....There is a fullness to our every action, not a sense of inadequacy and discontent.
It makes us alert and aware - dynamic; we move away from indifference to response in an intrinsic dynamism, a factor of flow, nay of struggle or effort...A different intelligence guides us at these moments. We are connected to our source.
Dynamic silence seems paradoxical, for silences for us are withdrawals from noise...a state of suspension...they also are needed in our hectic and reactive schedules, but they need to evolve into creative silence...
The incessant inner mind chatter is the greatest block to creative expression.
The country's greatest bell maker was called by the king with orders for an assignment.The bell-maker asked for 6 weeks. The king got wild, he wanted his job prioritized.He demanded to know why the bell maker wanted so much time.The bell maker told him that he neede about 4 weeks to get into a state of silence. Once that came, he would go into the forest to select a suitable tree stump. It is his silence within which will enable it. And then, the bell creates itself through flows out of him...
That is the secret of his excellence !!!! away from mediocrity...the silence speaks a million languages and in a million hues...creative expression of natural intelligence....
We need not strive to be creative..creativity is a natural flow when we achieve a state of silent awareness..watchful, alert, aware but not restless....

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