At the end of winning a rat race, we are still a rat.

September 22, 2006

vidya's rendevouz with simi...

read this fascinating excerpt in today's DNA.To be aired this Sunday on Star.

Simi: Do you feel you are the chosen one?
Vidya: When we want things to happen in a certain way and they don't, we think that's the end of the world. But I'm a diehard optimist. I believe that all happens for the best.

Simi: You spend a lot of time in the temple.
Vidya: We've always been taught to pray and to believe that there's a supernatural guiding force which is responsible for everything. But I don't think anyone from my family is much into it. They all pray for sure, even if it's on the bed. But I spend a lot of time.

Simi: What gives you such deep faith?
Vidya: I think it's a combination of what I have read and the experiences that people have had. I have seen great things happening to people. When you surrender, it's beautiful. You realise you're not the doer. I don't think any of us are doing anything. We're just playing out God's plan!

Simi: What type of a relationship do you have with God?
Vidya: I think the guy up there is in each one of us.

Simi: Do you talk to him?
Vidya: All the time! Prayer is a self-fulfilling process. When you genuinely want something, like Paulo Coelho said, 'The Universe conspires to get it for you'. Where there is doubt, it won't happen.

Simi: Has your faith ever wavered?
Vidya: Not much any longer. But there were times when I used to be a very badly behaved teenager! But somewhere faith took over and I've been calmer.

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