At the end of winning a rat race, we are still a rat.

September 27, 2006

conflicts, intrinsic to the mind...

a poignant post on perspective inc's blog triggers this post...

when we encounter events, mundane or critical, more often than not, they are accompanied by a conflict.We are unable to decide and even if we do, a nagging doubt persists on whether we made the right choice. A sense of residual incompletion remains.

To me, it is intrinsic to operating withing the mind realms.The mind works on the principle of benchmarking and comparisons and is a very good faculty for our functional world expresses viz.writing a software programme, managing administrative nuances of life and relationships , so on and so forth.

But when it comes to aspects such as love, joy, happiness etc, the mind is hardly the faculty.Love and joy are not attributes of the mind, so to seek it in those realms qualifies as a failure of intelligence.One cannot plan or try to love or to be joyous. One just is.

And when one just is, there is an absence of conflict, defined as a spiritual state of being by seers.In this state, one is guided and operates from the heart, nay the mind. One uses the mind, one is not used by the mind.We are used by the mind when conditionings and mental formations guide the destiny of our lives.

When one operates out of the heart,it's intrinsic quality is joy and love.There is a sense of completion even in seemingly paradoxical situations.The heart does not see things as right and wrong, it just responds.Right and wrong are concepts born in the mind.

The heart is intrinsically integral, not conceptually so.

Spirituality to me is movement from the mind to the heart as the driver of our life.

We can manage situations cosmetically and symptomatically outside, but it will always be at the expense of joy.We have to focus on the "process" of conflict, not on the content.Irrespective of the content we chose,conflict and a lack of fulfilment remain.

We should focus not on content but rather on "seeing"....

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