Beautiful perspective on love.....a state of being..
The Universe Loves You
By Jafree Ozwald & Margot Zaher
You are inherently lovable and have always been loved by the Universe. In fact, you are love itself. The problem is that most of us live under a false illusion that we just do something, or be somebody special to earn love and acceptance. We spend our lives trying to get peoples’ love and acceptance when love surrounds us and permeates every atom in this Universe. It's like we are fish in the ocean seeking, searching and thirsty for water. Once we just relax into this simple truth that love is here now, you feel loved by the Universe and know you are always taken care of.The great secret is relaxing into this knowingness completely.
"I laugh when I hear that the fish in the water is thirsty." ~Kabir
Sometimes you might be thinking, “But I can't feel truly loved by anyone, how can I feel loved by the Universe?”If you don’t feel the warmth and love from this divine Universe, then you are the one who is blocking out love.It is the armor around your heart that is protecting you from getting hurt again.So with these emotional shields it can be challenging to feel the loving energy that naturally surrounds us.The greatest thing is that the Universe will do everything to help you pull your walls down.It will create heart opening situations that will penetrate your shields and eventually cause them to melt completely. The key is to remain open and receptive to allowing this to happen.
One of most amazing things about the Universe is that it is always a perfect flawless mirror for what is happening inside you.Meaning that whatever energy you send out is exactly what you will feel coming back to you.When you send out kindness and patience to others, you'll experience people treating you with more understanding, gentleness and patience. Now this flawless mirror can be a blessing or a curse, depending on what you are habitually focusing upon and vibrationally sending out. If you are in the habit of sending out fear, desperation, or those "poor me" victim feelings, then you are truly wasting your time and missing the greatest opportunity of your lifetime! This is to experience yourself as a truly divine lovable human being who is the source of love and is constantly FEELING loved by the Universe!
"There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved." ~George Sand
The good news is that even when you do send out negative vibrations, the Universe still loves and supports you. In these moments when your mind is clogged with negativity, you may just not be able to feel this gentle supporting love that is all around you. When you are focusing on fear or negativity, you are in essence wearing dark glasses that shield the rays of love and light from the Universe. However, you can choose at any moment to take off your glasses and see the greatest truth and essence of your being. That you are lovable, and the source of love! Every moment holds the opportunity for you to recognize the Divine loveable being that you are, perfect just as you are in every way.
The following is an experience told by Margot:
One day about 7 years ago, I walked into my neighborhood grocery store in a very bad mood. The day had been full of misadventures and mishap. Anyway, I had only one thing to buy and had to stand in line for a very long time. I kept thinking, “These people are all selfish. They haven’t even offered to let me go ahead of them.” As I approached the cash register I thought, “Boy, the cashiers who work here are not very nice. They didn’t even smile at me.” As I left the store, I thought, “I don’t really like this store. Everybody is just so shut down and unfriendly.”
"Love is like a mountain, hard to climb, but once you get to the top the view is beautiful." ~Daniel Monroe Tuttle
A few days later, I returned to the same grocery store. This day, however, I walked into the store in a really positive uplifted mood. I thought, “It’s so great just to be alive.” My experience in the store was radically different. While I still stood in line for a very long time, I decided to make friends with the people in line. I chatted back and forth with them, and thought to myself, “Everybody is so friendly in this store.” In fact, I even made a new friend that day standing in line, and we promptly did something together that very same day. As I arrived at the checkout counter, I was greeted by the same cashier. However, this time I saw the smile on her face, and heard the warmth in her greeting for I had taken of my dark glasses and could see the love around me. I have had many direct experiences of both feeling and not feeling loved by the Universe. It is very evident that my attitude directly impacts my ability to perceive and feel love and support.
So remember that you can feel how much the entire Universe loves you by just shifting your energy and taking off any dark glasses you may be wearing. The more you open up to the natural love of the Universe, the more you see how the whole Universe is truly supporting you and sending you what you need to manifest your dreams.