At the end of winning a rat race, we are still a rat.

December 01, 2008


If we look deep within, we are currently nothing but hurts, fears, anger and such other which surface at the drop of the hat.The triggers maybe different but our underlying dissatisfaction, discontent and sense of melancholy are residually intrinsic. With this content within us, we are a source of individual and collective danger for those around us.
We share with the world what we have, we cannot share anything else. As unhappy people, we share unhappiness. each of us is harbouring a reservoir of pain within ' we call its' manifests through different names. It is our trauma and pain which architecturing our lives and creating our universes.
This pain has been elaborately managed over ages. It is slowly but surely acquiring unmanageable proportions in what I perceive to be an aspect of grace. It is when something becomes unmanageable that we are forced to look within.
Management is stress, it is not a free life....Relief from various stresses is teh need of the hour , not mere management of it. Management is bandaging, handling...
It is cosmetic and palliative...
The pain within us has to express itself - the platforms of expression may differ; if today it is the terror attack, tomorrow it maybe a epidemic outbreak...
Each of us has to address the pain within...and resolve it, not merely manage it..
this is the way forward for humanity.....

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