At the end of winning a rat race, we are still a rat.

January 28, 2006


Learning is a critical aspect of life.We are all learners and teachers at the same time.The process of learning is not what we learn at schools. It could be that too.To me, learning about learning has been a big learning by itself.It has opened myriad doors for me and made me a more accepting individual.The Rig Veda is very inspiring when it proclaims, "Let noble thoughts come to us from all sides."
some learnings I have had on "learning" itself"...never pre-judge, pre-suppose.judgements and closed minds are the most common inhibitors for the learning aware of the contexts and the assumptions....every speck in creation is a potential teacher....our perceptions and mental formations can inhibit genuine learning.Awareness is critical to learning aspects....learning is an attitude in humbleness; we never know all that is there to know.we need not be here in this multi-media school if that were the case...teachers persist in our lives until we learn what we have chosen to learn.Hence , we observe repetitive patterns recurring time and again....unlearning is a critical part of learning....the process of learning is joyful, a voyage in discovery ; not self-condemnatory or be a learner is a choice in our attitudes, our dispositions towards life and its' events....we are most resistive to events which serve as our most critical teachers more often than not...the learnings we need most are very often the ones we are most resistive to also.Sometimes, we are resistive to some people; we dislike them, they can be critical sources of our learnings too....where we look is as important in an event as how we see it.We often bark up the wrong tree in our perceptions and miss the learning.....not a coincidence that we have 2 ears and 1 mouth. to listen more and to talk less...and listening requires a silence within....we live to learn as we learn to live.
.................and so much more.....
written as a tribute to the process itself.....please add your insights ..

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