At the end of winning a rat race, we are still a rat.

January 11, 2006

awareness is freedom...

the title of this post has been a significant insight for me in my explores....normally, we try to "do" things; as in, if we are angry, we try to handle or manage the is a matter of effort...however, if we step back and watch the anger, non-judgementally; i.e. we do not condemn it's arising, it just passes after completing a cycle of experiencing...i have a heard great master describe awareness thus, "when a lighted candle comes into the room, darkness goes away...darkness does not need any "removal"...the flames of awareness have the capacity to drive away the clutters that inhibit and stall us in life... as we march towards oneness.we do not have to remove anything, they simply go away as awareness grows enabling an expansion of our consciousness.

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