At the end of winning a rat race, we are still a rat.

April 03, 2008

fact versus hallucination...

The ability to see things as they are rather than with our coloured blinkers can eliminate a lot or all of misery from our lives.
We not only fool others but invariably end up fooling ourselves.
There is a gap between perceived agendas and the real agendas of our various activities and events.We create elaborate alibis to achieve the unconscious drives of our mind.At college campuses, "project work" and "festival planning" often become great alibis for activities such as dating and chilling out which do not find parental approval in our society.Platforms such as dandiya and the modern day holi are others re-packaged to suit the various needs of our times, incorporating social sanction in a camouflaged fashion.
Even in our meeting events, the agenda often is dual channel; the surface level and the inner level. A guy wants to hit on a girl or the other way around; elaborate alibis and excuses are created to ensure this. A person spends all his time in social work claiming his committment; but if he looks deep within, maybe he may see that it is an elaborate sorrow management mechanism for him.We greet each other with "How are you" and the response is "Fine. Thank You."A mechanized interaction with no depth or meaning to it.
Intrinsic conflict is inevitable.
To avoid conflicts and misery at a personal level, integrity is the key.It is important for us to be aware of our inner dialogues which are the real triggers for our various actions. Carrying the burden of our masks can become an unbearable exercise and depress us emotionally and physically beyond recognition.
The inner freedom we experience on being able to see ourselves is awesome.It is as if physical space within us is released and we are released from chronic suffocation.
Awareness is freedom and seeing is freeing, de-clutching.

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