At the end of winning a rat race, we are still a rat.

December 03, 2005


was watching the movie Daddy after a longtime...never tire of seeing it....and the song by talat aziz, aaina mujhse meri pahle ki surat of my all-time favs....
completed the naseoh seminar today....very good participation....and we had a moderator from hopeful of a few dynamic feedlines evolving...
met an indian stephen hawking....
he just said, if one is able to be mobile and access a "loo"....fundamental infrastructures, what not can be achieved....
though invariably a "panelist" sought for my expertise, i invariably end up only learning more......
just to give u a perspective, mumbai is estimated to have over 10 lakh people with abilities different from ours....while the indian estimate is closer to 100 million.
we have 30 out of 1000 buses which can cater to them....this is a recent development.....there are no public loo facilities....across india about 1 lakh differently abled people are supposed to have some employment....

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